Transformational tools & coaching designed to unlock your team’s potential.

Internal transformation brings external results.
Empower your team and business to reach their wider vision with expert backed tools & coaching. 


Where you go to grow.

Where you go to grow. ―

The Expansion Program

The Wider Visions Expansion Program is a 10-week group coaching experience that gives your employees the expert-backed tools and self coaching knowledge to confidently transform into their fullest potential through mindset management, greater emotional intelligence, nervous system regulation, and vision clarity. 

Every organization has a wider vision – a vision that encompasses not only business goals but also the well-being and growth of its employees. 

Wider Visions partners with companies to make this vision a reality. Through our signature coaching program, we transform your workforce into the best version of themselves, both professionally and personally, by equipping them with the tools and knowledge to better manage their mindset, their emotions, their nervous system, and their behavior.

At Wider Visions, we believe in the power of transformation - not just in words, but through actionable, expert-backed tools and coaching to create both internal and external change. Our mission? To equip every individual with the inner tools and self coaching knowledge needed to expand into their fullest potential.

Your team will walk away with tangible tools, habits, mindset shifts, and practices to fully expand into who they want to be, the life they want to live, and the leader you need to drive organizational excellence.


of people feel like they are not living up
to their full potential.


of people have a vision for their life.
Over 1/3 haven’t taken a step towards it.

In a world that's constantly evolving,

the success of your company hinges on leaders who have the internal resources to manage with greater emotional intelligence and self-regulation, especially during times of stress, uncertainty, and complexity.

Chances are your employees are equipped with industry knowledge, the tactical “hard” skills needed to execute their job, and business acumen, but are lacking in the “soft”, internal skills that are influencing them everyday and in every single moment — how their mindset works, how their emotions are driving their behavior, or how to minimize stress in the body when anxiety spikes. 

No one was taught this in school, and until now, there hasn’t been a comprehensive program to train individuals on the foundational and essential tools and knowledge to embody their best self and give your business the competitive edge it needs to succeed. 

Comprehensive and effective, this program is the key to unlocking your team's latent potential, turning your business KPIs and goals into reality. Let us partner with you to unfold the full potential of your workforce, aligning with your company's wider vision for success.

Net impact of the self coaching gap

The knowledge and embodiment gap of these internal, transformational tools is
having a big impact on your team and your bottom line. 


Mental health challenges + burnout can lead to lower productivity + employee retention

42% of employees are reportedly struggling with burnout*

86% of employees faced at least one mental health challenge in the past year**

*A February 2023 survey of more than 10,000 global workers by the US think-tank Future Forum 
**Lyra Study, 2023 with 2,500 respondents

Managers lack the emotional + mindset IQ to create a thriving
work environment 

Only 53% of supervisors said they have
the resources and training needed to cultivate a supportive work experience*

Employees with emotionally intelligent managers are 4x less likely to leave their job**

*Lyra Study, 2023 with 2,500 respondents
** 2023 Niagara Institute Study

A dysregulated nervous system blocks creative problem solving

of emotionally intelligent companies have a high degree of empowerment + tolerance for risk*

Anxiety and stress triggers the sympathetic response (fight or flight) which causes the pre-frontal cortex, or our logical brain, to go offline.

* 2023 Niagara Institute Study


In order to live more fulfilling lives and maximize our potential, we need the tools to do so.

We need knowledge, and we need to put it into practice by transforming from the inside out.

We want everyone to have the tools to change their life.

In the signature Wider Visions Expansion Program, we help your employees integrate and embody of the knowledge of: 

  • Becoming their own self coach - heightening self awareness and self connection to better understand themselves and therefore, be better equipped to lead and manage with confidence and emotional intelligence

  • Mindset management + mastery - understand how their thoughts and emotions drive their behavior and the power of the subconscious mind

  • Emotional intelligence and acceptance - discover what’s driving emotional reactions + triggers and find ways to be a more centered, regulated and thus, creating a more collaborative team and work environment

  • Nervous system regulation - learn tangible tools to help your team to move from anxiety and fear towards a calm, grounded, and secure sense of self - minimizing burnout and maximizing creative problem solving

  • Vision clarity + behavioral alignment - practices to gain clarity, outline goals, and create a plan to start taking aligned action towards them through behavioral change and habit formation

This program blends soul with science - visualization, mindset reframing, neuroscience evidence-based techniques, habit and action motivation, intuition-led practices, and more.

The growth of an organization is deeply intertwined with the growth of its individuals.

Solving for this knowledge gap and empowering your team with transformational tools and coaching will have a huge impact on your employee’s engagement and business growth.

Greater employee satisfaction

35% of employees believe mental health benefits are more important than higher pay or salary.*

* (SHRM) Study, 2022

Better leadership + increased retention

Managers who lead with emotional intelligence retain 70% of their employees for five years or more.*

*Research by Korn Ferry

Greater productivity + problem solving

Employees were 93% more productive after undergoing stress management and EQ training.*

*Motorola Study

Better organizational decisions making + resiliency

64% of emotionally intelligent companies have a high degree of empowerment + tolerance for risk.*

**McKinsley Study, 2023

More collaborative team dynamics

Studies* show that toxic workplace behavior was the biggest predictor of burnout symptoms and intent to leave, so enhance interpersonal skills to create more meaningful, productive connections within teams.

*McKinsley Study, 2023

Healthier workforce + minimize the effects of burnout

Chronic stress oftentimes leads to burnout and health related issues.


How Does The Expansion Program Work?

Intentionally designed to give you the education, community, and accountability you need to transform your life from the inside out


Course modules are released every week with easy-to-follow videos and customized integration practices to understand The Expansion Process: our 4 Step Process to Accelerate Your Growth and Create Your Wider Vision. 

This course blends soul with science, incorporating visualization, mindset reframing, neuroscience, evidence-based techniques, habit and action motivation, intuition-led practices, and more.

Growth Accelerator Program


Live Group Coaching Calls

Weekly group coaching sessions for guidance and support. These sessions provide your team with live coaching, an outside perspective, and accountability. Each group coaching call will have curated exercises, meditations, subconscious techniques, and self discovery activities to more deeply integrate each stage of the Expansion Process and spark inner and outer transformation. No stress if your team can’t make them all; all session & vision-building exercises are available in the course portal to review anytime.


Community of individuals to connect, find accountability with, and actively level-up together. Our research found that 88% of people feel lonely in moments of growth and transition - which is why community is so important in feeling supported on our personal growth journeys.

Private Slack Community

The Expansion Program: Your Inner Fulfillment Toolbox

Our program was intentionally designed to give you the tools and guidance you need to radically change your life.


The Expansion Process Course

This self-guided and self-paced course blends soul with science - visualization, mindset reframing, neuroscience evidence-based techniques, habit and action motivation, intuition-led practices, and more.

Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

These optional coaching sessions provide you guidance and an outside perspective. We’ll cover career, well-being, money, health, relationships, and more. Join whichever session works best for your schedule.

A Community of Likeminded Peers

Join a community of likeminded individuals to connect, find accountability with, and actively level-up together.

Customized Meditations

Customized Visualization Meditations and Breathwork to Align Your Subconscious.

The Resource Library

Access to our robust resource library of journal prompts, workbooks and tools to help spark your self awareness and self discovery.

New Content

Every other month, you’ll receive instant access to new courses and events in collaboration with our favorite thought leaders.


The Expansion Program Curriculum

Connecting the dots between soul and science, we combine neuroscience, psychology, mindset, spirituality, and energetics to give you a truly holistic, integrated approach to growth that works.

Our coaching and signature course provide you with everything you need to know to expand into the next-level you - mindset reframing practices, neuroscience evidence-based techniques, habit-tracking and accountability, intuition-led exercises, guided visualizations, and more.

During our 10-week coaching experience, your team will:

→ Learn how to gain clarity on what they want and create a plan to achieve it 
→ Reprogram their subconscious mind to align with their future vision through hypnosis 
→ Learn the neuroscience and psychology behind our mindset, our subconscious, and our brainwave states and gain a toolbox of techniques to shift their thinking and inner narratives
→ Understand how to close the gap between knowing and doing through evidence based tools to create better habits
→ Integrate cognitive, somatic, and subconscious techniques to create lasting internal change 
→ Gain awareness of the power of the nervous system and how to bring safety and calm back to the body 
→ Get a holistic step by step process to bring our big visions into form with the ease, momentum, and clarity through both internal and external shifts
→ Create a daily practice of connecting with their self through self reflection,  meditation, and breathwork 

Where you go to grow.

Where you go to grow. ─

Program Investment

The Expansion Program costs $1,800 for non-enterprise members and includes lifetime access to Wider Visions’ courses and community. However, for our corporate workplace clients, packages are customized and curated to your workforce’s needs.

Let us partner with you to unlock the full potential of your workforce,
aligning with your company's wider vision for success.


  • The Expansion Program will launch in 2024. Beta enterprise spots are limited. Schedule a partnership to connect on how we can support your team’s mental and emotional development.

  • No stress if your team members can’t make a group coaching session. All sessions and curated content are available in the course portal for review anytime. However, there is power in showing up for our visions and each other, so we encourage everyone to try to commit this time to their future self.

  • Send us an email at and we will get back to you shortly.