Transformational life coaching to help you
create a life you love.

Helping you embody your wider vision and
live your most expansive, soul-led life.

Where you go to grow.

Where you go to grow. ─

Hi there - I am Megan.

Transformational Life Coach + Mindset Mentor. 
Founder of Wider Visions
Super connector + community builder.
Serial entrepreneur with a passion for building things with impact.
Soul growth seeker.
Breathwork, hypnosis, EFT, NLP
and meditation guide.

I am a certified Transformational Life Coach, and I help others, who are unfulfilled, unclear, or ready to stop playing small, to discover their most expansive soul-led lives from the inside out.

I offer my clients both holistic life coaching and business mentorship, and I am certified in many different modalities to support your transformation – breathwork, meditation, hypnosis, NLP, and EFT/tapping.

​I guide my clients in gaining clarity for a wider vision for their life and then, begin to fully embody it by aligning their mindset and external actions to that future you. Big shifts always require inner and outer transformation. 

Do you want to step into your wider vision and fully embody who you want to be and the life you want to live?

Get ready to uplevel in every area of your life and grow into the version of yourself that you’ve always wanted to become.

Coaching Opportunities
for Your Growth

The Expansion Process


12 week 1:1 coaching container to truly uplevel into your most expansive life

The Vision Series

2 session intensive to jumpstart your expansion and get clear on your vision